Saturday, March 30, 2013

Weekly Instagram Recap

Pearls and Curls

Made Cupcakes

FINALLY got social media buttons!

Bird's nest has been spotted. 

My pretty Shay puppy. Enjoying some rays during the beautiful weather. 


Excited for OPENING DAY at the K!

Hop Hop Hoppy Easter!

He has RISEN! He has RISEN indeed! He has RISEN! He has RISEN indeed! HE HAS RISEN! HE HAS RISEN INDEED! Love that my pastor uses those lines every year. He says He has Risen. The congregation replies: HE HAS RISEN INDEED, louder and with more force each time. :) Christ is truly amazing. <3

This Easter my parents are out of town. So my plans are as follows: Sleep in. Watch church online. Visit my grandma in her assisted living home. Eat Easter dinner with Andrew and his dad, and a few others.

Also might try to run a few errands or do a little bit of cleaning.

Here are a few of my Easter themed pictures from my Instagram.

From Target. :)

Cupcakes I made for an order. 

My card/gift this year. And I threw in the picture the cupcakes holders. 


What are you doing for Easter? 

Friday, March 29, 2013


I have a job interview this morning. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Look! Buttons!

These are the buttons that I've gotten to work! Click on them to follow me on social media sites. :)
Thanks for everyone's help, I appreciate it.

Media Buttons Help/Update

So I get how to put the codes for the media buttons and upload the pictures....what I can't get to work is the link to my twitter profile. I click on the button and it says this page does not exist. It just takes me to another page with in my blog and comes up with an error message. How do I get the buttons to link to an outside site?

I've tried this code:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src= "" ="50px" /></a>

And it comes up with the following message: Sorry the page you are looking for on this blog does not exist.

Annoyed and frustrated because I have tried multiple times to get it to work and it won't. Also I had to create a new photobucket account because the other one was giving me trouble as well.

Any other help at this point would be greatly appreciated. I feel so close, yet so far.

Edit: Shout out and a big thank you to Caroline at Pretty_In_Prep for helping me resolve my issue. I needed to put https:// in front of the twitter link. ***smacks forehead***

To everyone who left comments with advice, THANK YOU.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


So I'll be honest....I've been nominated for this award a few times and haven't done the post with the questions that I am supposed to answer. OOPS. Call me lazy or a bad blogger, but it's whatever. I am still too lazy to do the ?'s post. Sorry. :)

I would though like to say thank you to everyone who has nominated me for this award recently, I appreciate it!! Love y'all.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

Celebrated a Friend's 23rd birthday!

Went bowling. Not too shabby of a score. 

It snowed. This is our lamp on the deck. 

Dumb 7 inches of snow. 

Watched the KU game and other ncaa march madness games at the birthday party.

Painted my nails. Essie's Mint Candy Apple french mani. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

HTML Complications

After attempting many times to get social media buttons and html codes to link properly, I have given up. :( SO frustrating when things don't link right and I can't figure things out. Also not sure how to get a cool blog button and design with out paying for stuff. Lame sauce.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Instagram Weekly Recap

Pearls and Curls

Not a very exciting week on my instagram. 

rocked a side braid for the first time in forever. 

It wouldn't stop snowing. 6-10 inches starting tomorrow night. :(

St. Pat's cupcakes I made. 

Bought pink shorts!

Like New

Hooray!! My lap top is fixed and is "like new" with my new keyboard, track pad, surrounding area, and a new battery!!

I'll post a pic of it later. :) My lap top is 5 years old so don't judge.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So my 5 year old mac book has been having issues for like 6 months. I finally got fed up with it messing up when I try to type, and the battery sucks balls. Yes I just said balls...

Luckily I got fed up just in time to catch the tail end of the warranty.... it expires on April 19th. Whew.

Here is to FREE parts aka my new keyboard, track pad, and surrounding areas that are cracked.

Only having to fork out $99 for a new battery! Not too shabby if you ask me. :)

Since I have to take my computer into the Apple store to be fixed, I will sadly be with out a computer for a few days. :(

But as soon as I get it back, I will be blogging again.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! It's supposed to snow and be nasty here for the next 4 days....yeah...

Here's to hopping the issues can be fixed and that I don't need to buy a new computer.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My St. Pat's Cupcakes

Here are a few pictures of the cupcakes I made for St. Patrick's Day 2013! I dyed the batter and frosting green. And used green m & ms for the shamrocks. :) Nothing too fancy and it was a last minute idea. Not pictured are the ones with andy's mints on top.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

 Hi y'all. Here is what I did this weekend. What did you do? :)

Bought this new shirt! Rock Chalk.

Went to a local bar. Andrew and I. 

Cheered on the Jayhawks. :)

Saw a few baby pictures of andrew.

Watched this on blu-ray. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Pat's

Happy St. Patrick's day!! How did you spend yours?

I worked. Am making cupcakes. Rocking a new green shirt and a fun necklace. Also spending time with Andrew. :) Pictures of my cupcakes will be posted tomorrow. These are from google.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Instagram Weekly Recap Week 2

Pearls and Curls

Week 2!

My lovely green shorts FINALLY arrived from Target.

Powder incident at work. Hard worker right there.

Rooting for the JAYHAWK. Rock Chalk. Big 12 tourney happening.

Stopped and smelt the pretty tulips. Love spring!

Obsessing over this beef jerky from Smoothie King.

How was your week? :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blog Lovin

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Since google reader and GFC are disappearing. Add me. :) Let me know your link as well!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Comment Replies

So... I just learned from another blogger that y'all don't know I reply to your comments when I hit reply on the blog post comment section. I actually have to reply to the emails I get in my inbox saying that y'all commented. Oops. I promise I try and respond to every comment.
I don't hate anyone. I love hearing from y'all. Keep the comments coming, it lets me know you are actually reading what I post!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. I appreciate it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

This is my first link up for Weekend Shenanigans, here goes nothing. :)

Had a date night Friday night with Andrew. We ate at Steak n' Shake and saw Silver Linings Playbook. It was pretty good, I recommend seeing it if you haven't. 

We attended a friend's son's wedding Saturday. Their kiss. 

Tonight my family, Andrew, and I went out with my cousin Steven (pictured) to help celebrate his 26th birthday that was on the 7th. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Loving These

Loving this version. :)

Muahaha, my stalking of finally paid off. These were FINALLY available online for sale. They aren't in my local stores yet. Come to mama. :D 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Weekly Recap

Pearls and Curls

DYI Mani for a wedding today

Made blueberry muffins

Bought this at Target for $3, holla! Probably our house's only decoration

Found this cat calculator at work! It had been missing. <3 it.

participated in International badge day. 

Chowed down on this at Longhorn Steakhouse. :)