Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Life Update

Well hello there. Thought I would stop in and share the latest instagram pics and give y'all a little update.
Honestly I suck at this whole blogging thing.

LOVE T Swift's new album. Honestly I was beginning to get tired of her older songs and only signing about the same shit over and over again. This album is refreshing to hear, and catchy. I dig it. :)

Andrew and I out celebrating a friend's birthday. My hair looks pretty awesome if I do say so myself. It never wants to stay that straight usually due to weather. Went to piano bar for the first time, it was a pretty good time. Let's just say I will be getting the fish bowl for myself next time.

SO incase you haven't been to Target in the last few days....TOMS came out with a collection specifically for Target. Bought this cozy blanket. 

A and I recently attended a bonfire hosted by our church. It was crazy warm to stand by, but was really chilly out, so the warmth was very much welcomed. We all stood around the fire eating smores and singing praise songs. It was a good time indeed.

Lately I've just been working and Andrew and I spend most nights watching Dexter on netflix or hanging out with friends/family.

I've recently decided to finish up/return to watching Gilmore Girls, now that it is on netflix...hello easy access. While the show was actually on TV at one point, I lost interest in the show. So I figured I would finish it up. Staring with Season 5 to end. Granted I am only like 3 episodes into season 5 to start playing catch up, but it's a start. Excited to see how it all ended up. 

Christmas list making and shopping are going to need to take place asap. We are doing secret santa at work this year, everyone is excited for it. (My idea, woot.) We drew names today. I need to make up a list for my parents. I learned that if I don't make a list, I will get storage containers....for sewing items. YEAH.....

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, the food, family time, the great messages at church. ALSO having the day after Turkey day OFF WORK. A sweet lady has agreed to cover my desk while I take a day off. She is returning a favor to me when I covered for her for 4 days this year while she was on vacation. Gotta start planning the day after. Sleep in, hit up the gym, and some shops. Maybe catch a movie. 

What have you been up to lately? Any special plans for Thanksgiving?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

25th Birthday Re-cap

After one month of being 25, I figured it was finally time to round up some photos from the celebrations that ensued. 
Royals game with friends. 
Sporting KC game/tickets for my birthday-gift from the parents.
Fire pit night with friends and family.
I got a gel french mani.
Free starbucks drink and a donut from the best local place.
Two new purses. :) 

Some gals and I at the Royals game.

Andrew and I at the Sporting KC Game. 6 rows back. 

From the pic collage app. 

Panoramic view of Kauffman Stadium.

Fire pit.

Love me some shellac.

New coach purse, was on sale, how could I say no to the outlet that's here temporarily?

Us at the Royals game.

My new Kate Spade cross body bag from Andrew. I am too nervous to break it out yet.

Two bouquets combined.

Free birthday goodies. :) 

Sorry these aren't in order. That's how I roll.
All in all it was a really good birthday.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

It's Good to be a Royal

Party like it's 1985 err 2014!!
That's right....the KANSAS CITY ROYALS are going to the WORLD SERIES for the first time in 29 years!!
Andrew and I got to attend the last ALDS game, swept it.

We had terrific seats for the ALDS game. 
Great weather temp wise, we were under covered seats, so we didn't get rained on.
Hit up the store and bought some t-shirts!

The last ALCS game I caught the end of it at home. 
SO SO SO proud of this city, this team, the fans!

It's a great time to be a KC ROYAL and a fan.
Love my hometown team. 

Have you been watching the baseball games?
Who are you rooting for?

p.s. I promise a b-day recap soon.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Holy Name Change Batman.....

Yup, you read that correctly. I changed my blog name, my instagram name, my twitter name, pinterest name, etc etc etc.
Something more adult and personalized. Lund25. Part of one of my names and endeavoring into the 25th year of life....fitting.
Will probably keep my email the same, too many accounts as it is already.
SO gotta work on a new header....but no editing skills. Help.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hellooooo Fall

It's the BEST time of the year. 
It's my absolute favorite.
Helps having a birthday this time of year. 
Awesome weather.
Fun activities. Helloooo pumpkin patch/cider mill. 
(My second favorite holiday.)
Starbucks drinks.
Cozy clothes and boots, can't forget those.
PRETTY leaves! 

Pictures are from pinterest and NOT mine.

What's your favorite season and what's the best thing about it? Do you have a favorite thing to do in the fall?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Quarter of a Century

Also known as 25. Meep. September is a great month for a birthday!
First off, happy birthday to anyone born in September. :)

Today is the day....25 years ago at 12:44 pm I made my entrance into the world via emergency c-section. My umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck 3 times. NDB.

25 years later I am celebrating a little more low key. Tonight I am having dinner with family, having cake, and opening presents. Afterwords I'll be hosting a fire pit night for family and friends to help me celebrate my 25th year.

Here's to another great year, can't wait to see what this year of life holds. :) Oh and yay for lower car insurance?

Will do a post sometime soon about the birthday festivities-pics included.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

It's Already Been 2 Years

Well well well.....would you look at that. We did it! Andrew and I have officially been dating for two years now! Our anniversary was on 8/18 and we kept it pretty low key, since it was a Monday.

We ate at Freddy's steak-burgers and frozen custard. A and I both love the place, it was cheap, easy and quick. Plus we had a movie to get to people, we saw Let's Be Cops.

Let's just say Andrew found it to be more funny than I did, I think the story line wasn't that bad. But I wasn't finding myself laughing my butt off. I am always hesitant to get my expectations up about a comedy movie. I hoped the movie would be funny, but I wasn't expecting it to be as good as say 21 and 22 Jump Street were.

We exchanged gifts, both picked out what we wanted, so the gifts weren't a surprise and we were on a budget.

I got him a KC Royals shirt, some beer, and paid for dinner.  He got me a KC Chiefs shirt, beautiful roses that were delivered to me at work, and bought the movies tickets.

It was a fun date night to celebrate the two years, and was definitely budget friendly, minus my roses. ;)

Some pics from the night....

We took a picture like this on one year. 

Beautiful pinkish red roses that were delivered to my work.

Andrew and I with the flowers. :) We did not plan the blue stripes attire. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Life Lately Pics

Cinco Powell bag took 6 weeks to arrive, but it finally showed up on my door step in one piece.
This was the free bag I won on Chicago Prepster's blog.

Found this beaut on Andrew's phone from LR and MR's wedding. :)

Went to a childhood friend MF's first part of her bachelorette party. We've known each other since pre school. 

Got these lovely items from vs and bath and body works. Either discounted or FREE. Gotta love coupons.

This was from MF's bridal shower. The shower and bachelorette party happened the same day.
She's getting hitched on 7/19.

LR finally posted all the wedding snap shots on fb. The other bridesmaids and I in front of the lake. This one is one of my favs so I thought I would throw it in there.
And it wasn't made available to me back when I did the wedding post.

Speaking of weddings/bridal showers....I made these cupcakes for a sorority sister's bridal shower this weekend.
Shaped like a wedding dress. 
First time doing that, so I am working on the placement/technique for the cupcakes still.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Actual 4th

Last post you saw what took place on the eve of my favorite holiday. The pics below are from the actual 4th of July. I consider this the best time of year. :)
Andrew and I threw a little get together at his place. We had 4 friends come over, everyone else was busy with family stuff or out of town. Andrew's place isn't super big, so it was the perfectly sized party.
I didn't take pics with everyone, or of everything, my bad.

A and myself. 

Friend CB and I.

A and MJ, CB's Boyfriend playing pong.
We also had ladder golf.
We grilled burgers and dogs, enjoyed adult beverages and then went across the state line to buy some fireworks.
I'd say all of us had a blast shooting off fireworks where it is legal.
And instead of going to watch a show like normal....we all went our separate ways.
Andrew and I ended up watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix.
That ladies and gents was my 4th of July.
What did you do?

Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July

My FAVORITE holiday is finally here! It's the 4th of July incase you live under a rock.
Last night Andrew and I attended my first company party. My one year with work is in 18 days so that's why it's my first one.
We had a lot of fun! It was like one big block party. The neighborhood every year sets off a bunch of those parachute ones and the kids chase the shoots down to catch them. Which was a fun site to see. Also they had two watermelons that were blown up with M 80s!!  SO neat.
There was a fireworks show....it lasted 40 whole minutes! It was amazing to watch from two yards over from where they were being shot off! Le sigh...so pretty and fun to watch. Celebrating our great nation's independence sure is the best. :)
Oh and there was the most Americanized truck I had ever seen.....
Here are a few festive pics. Hopefully I remember to take some more of tonight's festivities with friends.
I didn't get any pics of exploding watermelons, or any with co-workers.
But these few will do for now.
I'll see if later I can upload the 5 minute video of fireworks.
My festive nails. 

Myself and Andrew at the party.

American Truck right there y'all.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cute Sorority Shirts.....

Dang it. The Greek clothing stores have come out with some super cute shirt designs since I've graduated. UGHHHH. WHY NOW?!? This Alum is jelly. I've stopped buying new shirts, but definitely still rock my college day ones around the house/gym/running errands/relaxing with friends.
All though there are some super tempting ones out there.

"No matter the letters, we're all Greek together. "






There are tons more out there. These are some favs from pinterest, after browsing for 3 minutes.....my goodness.

Anyone else a sorority alum and jelly of the girls with the cute shirts that are still in their undergrad years?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Instagram Dump

Volunteered at the 2nd annual motorcycle ride today. :)

Most recent baseball game a few weeks back, heading to another game Friday and can't wait.

Brownies with PB and Reece's PB Cups.....om nom nom.

Pool day this weekend. Used my new luxury beach towel...aw yeah...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Goin to the Chapel

And we're going to get marrieddddd.....
Well not me, but two of my really good friends got married on 5/31/14. :)
Myself and Andrew got the pleasure of being in the bridal party. Myself a bridesmaid and Andrew a groomsman.
The happy couple got married at Lake Quivira, KS. The country club is a really pretty place right on the beach of Lake Quivira.
The ceremony was beautiful, the cocktail hour wine was white zin and it was amazing! The italian food was super yummy. The music was bumping and the dancing and company of friends made for the best time. Everyone looked beautiful. I can't believe that day that was planned for, talked about, and obsessed over for over a year has come and gone.
I shall now leave you with a few pics from my instagram/fb.
Sorry they aren't in order.
Shellac mani for wedding

Some attendees with the bride and groom.

Friend CB and I.

Andrew and myself. :)

BW, myself and KS the bridesmaids.

Pinot's Palette bachelorette party painting.

Bride LR and her maid of honor her sister SB. 

All of us waiting for the bride LR to walk down the aisle. 

LR the bride and I at her bachelorette party.

Rehearsal dinner fun. Bride and her maids.

What was left of my bouquet. Hydrangeas has wilted over night.

Groom MR with Andrew. 

My sister attended the wedding and snapped this on her iphone.

Bachelorette party cake.

Mr and Mrs R at rehearsal dinner.

Andrew and I at the rehearsal dinner. Thanks to instagram we're tan.

Andrew at the wedding. My sister sat right by where he was standing.

My friend PG and I!