Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hellooooo Fall

It's the BEST time of the year. 
It's my absolute favorite.
Helps having a birthday this time of year. 
Awesome weather.
Fun activities. Helloooo pumpkin patch/cider mill. 
(My second favorite holiday.)
Starbucks drinks.
Cozy clothes and boots, can't forget those.
PRETTY leaves! 

Pictures are from pinterest and NOT mine.

What's your favorite season and what's the best thing about it? Do you have a favorite thing to do in the fall?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Quarter of a Century

Also known as 25. Meep. September is a great month for a birthday!
First off, happy birthday to anyone born in September. :)

Today is the day....25 years ago at 12:44 pm I made my entrance into the world via emergency c-section. My umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck 3 times. NDB.

25 years later I am celebrating a little more low key. Tonight I am having dinner with family, having cake, and opening presents. Afterwords I'll be hosting a fire pit night for family and friends to help me celebrate my 25th year.

Here's to another great year, can't wait to see what this year of life holds. :) Oh and yay for lower car insurance?

Will do a post sometime soon about the birthday festivities-pics included.