Sunday, October 19, 2014

25th Birthday Re-cap

After one month of being 25, I figured it was finally time to round up some photos from the celebrations that ensued. 
Royals game with friends. 
Sporting KC game/tickets for my birthday-gift from the parents.
Fire pit night with friends and family.
I got a gel french mani.
Free starbucks drink and a donut from the best local place.
Two new purses. :) 

Some gals and I at the Royals game.

Andrew and I at the Sporting KC Game. 6 rows back. 

From the pic collage app. 

Panoramic view of Kauffman Stadium.

Fire pit.

Love me some shellac.

New coach purse, was on sale, how could I say no to the outlet that's here temporarily?

Us at the Royals game.

My new Kate Spade cross body bag from Andrew. I am too nervous to break it out yet.

Two bouquets combined.

Free birthday goodies. :) 

Sorry these aren't in order. That's how I roll.
All in all it was a really good birthday.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

It's Good to be a Royal

Party like it's 1985 err 2014!!
That's right....the KANSAS CITY ROYALS are going to the WORLD SERIES for the first time in 29 years!!
Andrew and I got to attend the last ALDS game, swept it.

We had terrific seats for the ALDS game. 
Great weather temp wise, we were under covered seats, so we didn't get rained on.
Hit up the store and bought some t-shirts!

The last ALCS game I caught the end of it at home. 
SO SO SO proud of this city, this team, the fans!

It's a great time to be a KC ROYAL and a fan.
Love my hometown team. 

Have you been watching the baseball games?
Who are you rooting for?

p.s. I promise a b-day recap soon.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Holy Name Change Batman.....

Yup, you read that correctly. I changed my blog name, my instagram name, my twitter name, pinterest name, etc etc etc.
Something more adult and personalized. Lund25. Part of one of my names and endeavoring into the 25th year of life....fitting.
Will probably keep my email the same, too many accounts as it is already.
SO gotta work on a new header....but no editing skills. Help.