Honestly I suck at this whole blogging thing.
LOVE T Swift's new album. Honestly I was beginning to get tired of her older songs and only signing about the same shit over and over again. This album is refreshing to hear, and catchy. I dig it. :)
Andrew and I out celebrating a friend's birthday. My hair looks pretty awesome if I do say so myself. It never wants to stay that straight usually due to weather. Went to piano bar for the first time, it was a pretty good time. Let's just say I will be getting the fish bowl for myself next time.
SO incase you haven't been to Target in the last few days....TOMS came out with a collection specifically for Target. Bought this cozy blanket.
A and I recently attended a bonfire hosted by our church. It was crazy warm to stand by, but was really chilly out, so the warmth was very much welcomed. We all stood around the fire eating smores and singing praise songs. It was a good time indeed.
Lately I've just been working and Andrew and I spend most nights watching Dexter on netflix or hanging out with friends/family.
I've recently decided to finish up/return to watching Gilmore Girls, now that it is on netflix...hello easy access. While the show was actually on TV at one point, I lost interest in the show. So I figured I would finish it up. Staring with Season 5 to end. Granted I am only like 3 episodes into season 5 to start playing catch up, but it's a start. Excited to see how it all ended up.
Christmas list making and shopping are going to need to take place asap. We are doing secret santa at work this year, everyone is excited for it. (My idea, woot.) We drew names today. I need to make up a list for my parents. I learned that if I don't make a list, I will get storage containers....for sewing items. YEAH.....
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, the food, family time, the great messages at church. ALSO having the day after Turkey day OFF WORK. A sweet lady has agreed to cover my desk while I take a day off. She is returning a favor to me when I covered for her for 4 days this year while she was on vacation. Gotta start planning the day after. Sleep in, hit up the gym, and some shops. Maybe catch a movie.
What have you been up to lately? Any special plans for Thanksgiving?