Remember that coupon book I put together last minute for part of Andrew's gift yesterday? Well he said that was his FAVORITE part of the whole gift basket. He also happened to crack up at the beer that I got him. Basically he LOVED all parts of his gift. :)
I loved mine too, he did really well. I received a dozen red roses, a big box of Godiva chocolates filled with caramel-my favorite, and a pair of red nike tempo shorts that have a Jayhawk on them. All things I wanted. Best valentines gifts to date. And the company was the best yet. :D
We exchanged gifts before dinner, and then made it to our reservation ON TIME thankfully at Buca Di Beppo. It was really yummy and kind of expensive. Luckily though we had a coupon. Andrew got upset b/c his chicken parmesan didn't come with pasta like we thought it would and he was paying $20 for two pieces of upset, complained, and they comped him some spaghetti pasta. Other than that dinner went well.
After dinner we watched The Notebook, it was his first time seeing it. Let's just say that he got bored with it and didn't like it nearly as much as the other Nicholas Sparks movies he has seen.
Here is to him hopefully being my last ever valentine. <3
I will leave you with some pictures of our night. (Can you believe I remembered to document?!)
What did you do for valentine's day?
My cover photo for my fb profile. Not made by me...borrowed it from a friend.
My awesome gifts. :)
Andrew and I at dinner.
Me and the gifts he thoughtfully got.
Andrew's gift basket.
Filled with American Reunion on blu ray. A new xbox head set, shiner bock beer, four leaf clover boxers, spicy nacho doritos, strawberry frosted pop tarts, a mc d's gift card for his dr. pepper addiction, and the coupon booklet! Whew. I am super happy he loved it all.
aww I love Buca and yeah you have to order to share. Isn't it weird that boys have never watched The Notebook til we sit their butts down and make them watch it hahaha