Saturday, May 4, 2013

OMG (Weekly Recap)

Pearls and Curls

This week was a busy one via pictures. 
Why it's titled OMG you will see. 

My friend's got to meet him.
I requested an autograph and got this. OMG. <3

Manned the Greater KC AFSP Chapter table at the event. 

Audrey would have been 84 this week!

Hot chocolate. 

Temp outside the other day. It's been in the 30's/40's since then....

Signed up to take an eMarketing class online this summer. Going back to school, kinda.

This came in the mail.

It's May! The weather was great, and then on the 2nd it decided to snow....

Hunter Hayes autograph. 
Love warm weather.

What did you do this week?

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