Friday, September 19, 2014

Quarter of a Century

Also known as 25. Meep. September is a great month for a birthday!
First off, happy birthday to anyone born in September. :)

Today is the day....25 years ago at 12:44 pm I made my entrance into the world via emergency c-section. My umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck 3 times. NDB.

25 years later I am celebrating a little more low key. Tonight I am having dinner with family, having cake, and opening presents. Afterwords I'll be hosting a fire pit night for family and friends to help me celebrate my 25th year.

Here's to another great year, can't wait to see what this year of life holds. :) Oh and yay for lower car insurance?

Will do a post sometime soon about the birthday festivities-pics included.


  1. Happy birthday!! I'll be hitting the big 2-5 in March!! Planning on throwing a huge party!!

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Yay!!!! It's your birthday (well a little late, sorry about that). I hope you had a very special day for your 25th anniversary of your birth day!

    Also, did you change your IG name or am I just slow on that? lol

  3. Hope your had a great birthday! Feel free to check out my blog and my business
