Sunday, June 16, 2013


Took my first test for my online summer an 87%!! :) 

I have a job interview on Monday, it's for a temp job, but hey $15 an hour couldn't hurt.
Wish me luck!! I could really use a new job and the money. I would still stay at my current one in the mean time since it's only a temp one.
Fingers crossed that I get the job.

Happy Father's Day Daddy!! 
This was from his birthday last December.
Hopefully he likes his gifts. I went with the same theme I did for my mom...but spelt out D.A.D....I'll do a post on it later. 
Father's day this year also happens to fall on my Mommy's birthday.
So Happy Birthday to my Mom!!

Happy Father's day to all of the dads and grandpas out there!

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